
The Far Eastern Design Center summed up the results of participation in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum

Nikita Bozhok, General Director of the enterprise, told about the results of the participation of the delegation of the Far Eastern Design Center in SPIEF-2024: - Representatives of our company, at the invitation of Roscongress, took part in the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, which was held in St. Petersburg from June 5-8, 2024. Participation in this forum has already become a good tradition for the Far Eastern Design Center. SPIEF is one of the most significant events in the country's business sphere, it provides not only tremendous opportunities for sharing experiences and finding business partners, but also the opportunity to participate in the development of solutions to key economic and social challenges facing Russia. The scale of the event is impressive: this year the forum was attended by over 21 thousand representatives from 139 countries. The business program was very rich, special attention was paid to the development of cooperation with China, India, Africa, Latin American countries, as well as the strengthening of the role of BRICS in the current conditions of global economic and political turbulence. The member countries of this international association today represent 35% of the world's GDP at purchasing power parity and 46% of the world's population. The forum participants also discussed trends in the development of individual industries; prospects for the use of digital technologies in the economy; the problem of shortage of personnel and the need to increase labor productivity. In addition to economic topics, considerable attention was paid to issues of environmental well-being and public health. This year's Forum vividly demonstrated that today, in international politics and building economic cooperation between states, the trends of the formation of a multipolar world have intensified. Separately, I would like to note the increasing interest in cooperation with Russia from a number of countries. As last year, participation in the SPIEF was very effective for our company: a number of cooperation agreements were reached with both Russian and foreign companies. We will continue to participate in such events in the future – this is a very effective tool for establishing business ties and presenting the company's services.