Participation in the work of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khabarovsk Territory is one of the permanent activities of the management of the Far Eastern Project Center
In addition to the management of the Far Eastern Project Center, the general director of the company Nikita Bozhok actively participates in the work of public and business associations. A permanent place in Nikita Sergeevich's work schedule is occupied by participation in the activities of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khabarovsk Territory. Nikita Bozhok heads the Committee for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship (the committee was created on the initiative of the head of the Far Eastern Project Center).
- The Khabarovsk Krai Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union is one of the oldest and most authoritative associations of entrepreneurs in the country. The history of the union has more than 50 years. There is a stereotype that membership in chambers of commerce and industry is possible only for large enterprises. That's not so. Enterprises representing small and medium-sized enterprises may also be members of this business association. To more effectively represent and protect the interests of entrepreneurship, on November 30, 2021, by the decision of the Council of the Far Eastern Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union, a Committee for the Support and Development of Entrepreneurship was established. The Committee has a wide range of tasks: assistance to the development of entrepreneurship in the Khabarovsk Territory; organization of interaction between business entities and public authorities; assistance to entrepreneurs, representation and protection of their interests; assistance to the development of entrepreneurship support infrastructure and the formation of a regulatory framework for the development of private initiative. This is only a small part of the tasks that the Committee solves on a daily basis. For me, such public activity is no less important than the direct management of the project organization that I head. In my opinion, many entrepreneurs underestimate the opportunities and role of such associations as the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Khabarovsk Territory. Meanwhile, it is a real tool that allows business entities to jointly formulate problems in the field of business, look for solutions, and effectively interact with authorities on these issues. Taking this opportunity, I would like to invite representatives of the business community to join the Khabarovsk Krai Chamber of Commerce and Industry Union," commented Nikita Bozhok, General Director of the Far Eastern Project Center.