
Personnel is the main component of the success of the Far Eastern Design Center

Today, experts constantly talk about the problem of "personnel shortage", which hinders the development of many enterprises, especially in the regions of the Far East.Nikita Bozhok, the founder of the company, told about how the personnel issue is being resolved in the Far Eastern Design Center: - Of course, personnel still solve everything, and those enterprises that were able to find the right approach to team formation are developing and confidently looking to the future.In the Far Eastern Project Center, human resources work takes a central place. It all starts with the personnel selection procedure: We believe that not only the education, experience and professional skills of candidates are important, but also their willingness to learn new things and constantly improve their skills. In the field of design, this is very important, since this area is very dynamic, innovative, new software tools and design approaches periodically appear, trends in terms of design change (for example, now the trend is "green" construction: great importance is paid to environmental friendliness and ergonomics of buildings). For this reason, the desire to study further is one of the basic qualities of a designer.We have developed a professional development system at the enterprise and all our employees periodically undergo appropriate training.Another important area in working with human resources is the cultivation of professionals on their own. This means that we also hire young professionals who do not have much experience yet, applicants with non-core education who have a great desire to work in the field of design. They receive the necessary education in parallel with their work, and we provide such an opportunity. We are willing to accept students for practical training. In addition to attracting professional staff to the company, it is necessary to retain them. The Far Eastern Project Center provides all the social guarantees established by law, and there are a number of additional ones.Another aspect of staff motivation is a fair remuneration system. We value our specialists and pay for their work with dignity. We have no turnover, on the contrary, there is a constant tendency to increase the number of staff, this year we have grown quite noticeably as employees, as the volume of work has increased both in terms of quantity and structure: there are more complex, non-standard facilities that we design. I think this is an important indicator that the chosen personnel strategy is correct.What is more important is the moral climate in the team. We tried to find a balance between formalization and a democratic approach. Any employee can approach the management with some idea, problem, suggestion and he will always be heard.Summarizing the above, I can say that I am glad that I was able to form the team that is currently working at the Far Eastern Design Center. They are not just colleagues, they are colleagues, friends, united by a common goal to create the coolest projects.And this is a guarantee that all the tasks will be completed efficiently and on time. We plan to further increase the number of staff, as the company develops and grows, we are already confidently moving beyond the Khabarovsk Territory, gradually building up work with foreign customers.