
Modern design trends in the design of residential buildings

An employee of the Far Eastern Design Center told about what design solutions are in trend today from the point of view of design.

- Long gone are the days when entire city blocks were built up with the same type, rather faceless buildings that were easily confused with each other.
Today, completely different trends prevail (we are now talking about apartment buildings, since individual housing construction is a separate big topic).
Currently, from the point of view of design, there is a tendency for more individual solutions, and this applies not only to business-class projects, projects of more budget development also quite often assume some elements in the design that would distinguish this residential complex from others.
The second trend is the desire for minimalism: simple geometric shapes, a limited color palette (for example, a combination of black and white is popular) – this is considered stylish and focuses primarily on the functionality of the building.
Another trend in design was the combination of modern and vintage style. Imitation of historical buildings, the use of appropriate decor and color solutions is quite actively used in the design of small residential complexes of premium class, the so-called "club-type" houses and is designed to emphasize the status of its residents.
The desire to increase natural illumination, including by increasing the area of glazed surfaces, is also one of the modern trends in the design of residential buildings.
Another trend that has not yet received much distribution, but it has quite good prospects is biophilic design. When designing using the principles of biophilic design, elements related to nature are introduced into the external and internal interiors of the building: green walls, wood elements, courtyards, etc.
I would like to emphasize that the specialists of the Far Eastern Design Center design buildings of various complexity and purpose. In addition to the flawless execution of the project from a technical point of view, we pay attention to the aesthetic component of the projected objects, we try to make the object fit as harmoniously as possible into the architectural appearance of the city and become its decoration.