The Far Eastern Project Center continues to grow in personnel – only since the beginning of this year, the company's staff has been replenished with six highly qualified specialists and the process of recruiting departments continues.

- The increase in staffing is caused by quite objective reasons: the number of customers and projects we are working on, including long–term ones, is growing, the geography of our activities is expanding - today we cooperate with companies not only from the Far Eastern Federal District, but also from other regions.

We already present with a fairly high degree of accuracy the volume of the main tasks of the enterprise for the next five years, the approximate workload, therefore, of course, we are also working to attract new employees to the enterprise. In addition, we are constantly improving the motivation system in the company: we have a decent "white" salary, the entire amount of social guarantees is provided, in addition, there are additional ones, for example, we pay our employees voluntary medical insurance. The company provides opportunities for training and career growth. And this gives its result: we have no turnover.

Of course, the design industry requires a serious level of training from the applicant, knowledge of modern software systems and technologies, but we, nevertheless, are always ready to cultivate professionals at our enterprise as well. We have examples when applicants have come to us who have already received specialized education in the field of design in parallel with their work in our company: currently they are confidently moving up the career ladder. We are sure that the main component of the success of any enterprise is people, so the formation of a professional staff is one of our priorities, along with production tasks," said Nikita Bozhok, General Director of the Far Eastern Project Center.