What are the main advantages of using BIM technologies?
Today, BIM technologies are increasingly used in design. What dictates the need for their use, what are their main advantages – says Nikita Bozhok, General Director of the Far Eastern Project Center: - Although the concept of BIM began to be developed in the world since the 1970s, but it was widely used only in the early 2000s. In Russia, the introduction of BIM technologies began after the appearance of the order of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation "On approval of the plan for the phased introduction of information modeling technologies in the field of industrial and civil construction". The use of BIM technologies is dictated by many reasons. Unlike two-dimensional drawings, they allow you to build a digital 3D model of the future building with all the necessary elements: walls, ceilings, etc. This ensures high-quality visualization of the projected object, which cannot be achieved with two-dimensional design, which does not give an accurate understanding of how the structure will look in the final form. In addition, calculations in BIM models are highly accurate, as they are fully automated. In addition, BIM includes the cost and time component of the project – this is especially important when working on large-scale projects, when the design is quite stretched over time. Another advantage is a single workspace: each employee has access to the project, all changes are displayed in real time, which eliminates the risk that some changes in the project will not be taken into account. Summarizing the above, we can conclude that the use of programs based on BIM technologies in the design is by far the most progressive and effective approach in the design of a variety of objects: from residential complexes to industrial buildings. Of course, not every project organization uses these technologies in its work: some are deterred by the complexity of implementation, others by the cost. But, you need to understand that all these costs are paid off by the high efficiency of using such solutions in work. Our company keeps up with the times, the designers of the Far Eastern Design Center use Rebur and Renga programs in their work, which allow them to design using BIM technologies.